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The Milky Way's supermassive black hole is spinning incredibly fast and at the wrong angle....
Live Science via Yahoo News· 15 hours agoObservations from the Event Horizon Telescope may reveal a secret merger in our supermassive black ...
Massive black holes may be the closest pair ever discovered, NASA says
Scripps News via AOL· 15 hours agoNASA said its Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory detected a pair of supermassive...
These 2 monster black holes may be the closest pair ever discovered in visible and X-ray light...· 2 days agoNot only was this black hole tag team surprisingly close to Earth, but they were also in tight...
Supermassive Black Hole Pair Found Just 300 Light-Years Apart, The Smallest Ever Separation
IFLScience· 22 hours agoA pair of supermassive black holes have been observed on the road to merging as their galaxies come...
Two Supermassive Black Holes on a Collision Course With Each Other
Universe Today· 1 day agoGalaxy collisions are foundational events in the Universe. The result is one very changed galaxy and...
Devolution plans for Norfolk and Suffolk scrapped
BBC News· 1 hour agoPlans to give Norfolk and Suffolk greater powers have been scrapped by the new government, the BBC understands. Ministers have told the two county...
Bright lights detected by NASA telescopes lead to a dancing pair of supermassive black holes
CNN via Yahoo News· 2 days agoBoth celestial objects, which circle around one another, are known as active galactic nuclei. Active...
Supermassive black holes only 300 light years apart
Boing Boing· 23 hours agoTwo supermassive black holes spotted by NASA telescopes are only 300 light years apart—unnervingly close in galactic terms. The celestial drainholes registered as spikes of bright light and were then…
The Borderlands movie limps out of theaters with a reported $115 million loss for Gearbox and...
Games Radar· 2 hours agoThe Borderlands movie has finally limped out of theaters, culminating in total box office takings...
Small Black Holes Couldn’t Have Existed After The Big Bang – Or They Would Have Destroyed The...
IFLScience· 3 days agoFor several decades, scientists have toyed with the idea of primordial black holes. In the...