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George Washington established the presidency. How much of it would he recognize now?
NPR· 10 hours agoConvention that a presidential primary system to select candidates was adopted; the Republican Party followed suit shortly after. With the earliest parties in the 1790s, newspapers ...
The Indefatigable John Adams
The Dispatch· 16 hours agoThe crisis over how to respond sharply defined the emerging party lines of the early American political system. While Federalists pushed for a strong...
The Problem With “Weird”
The Nation· 4 days agoGovernor Tim Walz catapulted to the vice-presidential nomination of the Democratic Party by mobilizing the power of a single word: “weird.” Referring to...
Don’t Panic: Distrusting Government Is an American Tradition
Bloomberg· 3 days agoThis column is a part of Republic of Distrust, a series about the loss of trust in American...
Trump Fans Spread Debate Conspiracy About Microphone Earrings
Wired News· 3 days agoThis claim and many others were quickly fact-checked and debunked by ABC News hosts and debate...
Democrats Warn About Potential Violence From GOP Immigrant Smears
HuffPost via Yahoo News· 2 days agoGovernment buildings in Springfield, Ohio, where Republicans have amplified baseless accusations...
MAGA’S Anti-Haitian Cat-Panic Isn’t Really About Immigration
The Dispatch via Yahoo News· 3 days agoMoreover, in a past life I worked in politics. I know that when it’s campaign time, partisans on...
Harsanyi: Kamala Harris' banana republic on free speech
Detroit News· 3 days agoKamala Harris told CNN's Jake Tapper that social media companies "are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop." Every ...
It’s Always Been Hamiltonian Statecraft
Ludwig von Mises Institute· 2 days agoWalter Russel Mead asserts in his new piece in Foreign Affairs that what he labels as “Jacksonian national populism” and “Jeffersonian isolationism” have...
LETTERS: When is now?; middle class vs the merger
Colorado Springs Gazette· 3 days agoSix months ago, Democrats in the Colorado Legislature “killed” a bill that would certainly be helpful today. The Gazette Viewpoint that referenced the...